In order to provide for a positive youth soccer environment, Renmore AFC will take the following steps to recruit new players and maximise player development.
Provide high calibre and age appropriate coaching to improve player skills.
Players will be encouraged to try new skills and learn about the sport of soccer.
Ensure practices and games are fun and educational for all players.
Encourage coaches to offer reasonable playing opportunities for all players.
Younger players will be particularly encouraged to try all or many soccer positions .
Players will be required to be properly equipped.
Players will be encouraged to have full water bottles and discouraged in sharing water bottles.
Coaches are encouraged to acknowledge their players' participation and efforts.
Players will be encouraged to learn soccer as a team sport in which coordinated play is superior to individual achievement.
Players will have as many or more practices than games so players can learn and practice new skills.
Offer registration fee assistance to players that may otherwise not be able to participate due to registration costs.
Communicate with other local programs to encourage additional soccer opportunities (i.e. skills camps and recreation programs)